HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 150-200 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5JQ 51.80141600 -0.73815700 N/A N/A 487107 212172
HP22 5JR 51.79800500 -0.71620900 2 8 488627 211819
HP22 5JS 51.79905700 -0.71447800 24 69 488744 211938
HP22 5JT 51.79717600 -0.70691800 18 43 489269 211738
HP22 5JU 51.79929000 -0.71603800 25 65 488636 211962
HP22 5JW 51.80185000 -0.71744400 21 43 488534 212245
HP22 5JX 51.79967700 -0.71853500 45 97 488463 212002
HP22 5JY 51.80057000 -0.71719000 48 121 488554 212103
HP22 5JZ 51.80128700 -0.71790000 20 38 488504 212182
HP22 5LA 51.80013200 -0.71652100 16 30 488601 212055
HP22 5LB 51.79782300 -0.71193600 21 62 488922 211804
HP22 5LD 51.79595500 -0.70718900 28 75 489253 211602
HP22 5LE 51.79641000 -0.70676600 27 75 489281 211653
HP22 5LF 51.79554400 -0.70741800 22 56 489238 211556
HP22 5LG 51.79483700 -0.70610400 49 86 489330 211479
HP22 5LH 51.79357100 -0.70296500 2 2 489549 211342
HP22 5LJ 51.79539500 -0.70193700 11 16 489616 211546
HP22 5LL 51.79685700 -0.70419100 33 80 489458 211706
HP22 5LN 51.80231900 -0.72337700 4 9 488124 212290
HP22 5LP 51.80112400 -0.71027100 9 18 489030 212173
HP22 5LQ 51.79521500 -0.70367200 26 44 489497 211524
HP22 5LR 51.80224500 -0.70835400 4 13 489160 212300
HP22 5LS 51.80401900 -0.69729900 23 52 489919 212511
HP22 5LT 51.80143200 -0.69428500 6 13 490132 212227
HP22 5LU 51.79685000 -0.69051600 6 12 490401 211722
HP22 5LX 51.76864400 -0.72566100 N/A N/A 488032 208542
HP22 5LY 51.80169900 -0.71846400 36 64 488464 212227
HP22 5LZ 51.80172600 -0.71927500 8 24 488408 212229
HP22 5NA 51.80091000 -0.71951600 22 54 488393 212138
HP22 5NB 51.80144600 -0.71999400 16 47 488359 212197
HP22 5ND 51.79661000 -0.71272000 9 21 488870 211668
HP22 5NE 51.79504500 -0.71604600 3 5 488644 211490
HP22 5NF 51.78969200 -0.71480200 16 41 488740 210896
HP22 5NG 51.78421200 -0.73521100 12 16 487343 210262
HP22 5NH 51.78945600 -0.71707100 8 23 488584 210867
HP22 5NJ 51.78561000 -0.71908300 5 20 488453 210437
HP22 5NL 51.78111700 -0.72090200 23 70 488336 209935
HP22 5NN 51.78366400 -0.72113500 20 53 488315 210218
HP22 5NP 51.80274900 -0.73246300 N/A N/A 487497 212327
HP22 5NQ 51.78267700 -0.70979700 7 18 489099 210122
HP22 5NR 51.78156700 -0.73267900 9 30 487523 209971
HP22 5NS 51.78339800 -0.73575900 25 70 487307 210171
HP22 5NT 51.78077400 -0.73738000 17 70 487200 209877
HP22 5NU 51.77978300 -0.73819400 4 11 487146 209766
HP22 5NW 51.78137600 -0.73499000 11 26 487364 209947
HP22 5NX 51.78104500 -0.74340300 29 107 486784 209900
HP22 5NY 51.77853000 -0.74199400 32 99 486886 209622
HP22 5NZ 51.77660000 -0.72642200 4 11 487964 209426
HP22 5PA 51.78325000 -0.73349800 5 11 487463 210157
HP22 5PB 51.78281400 -0.73567000 15 21 487314 210106
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