HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 200-250 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5PD 51.78249800 -0.73634600 4 9 487268 210070
HP22 5PE 51.78148700 -0.73595400 4 12 487297 209958
HP22 5PF 51.78780200 -0.72474800 N/A N/A 488058 210674
HP22 5PG 51.77485400 -0.72789200 0 122 487866 209230
HP22 5PH 51.80303100 -0.73191900 N/A N/A 487534 212359
HP22 5PJ 51.79740600 -0.78344200 N/A N/A 483992 211673
HP22 5PL 51.77434700 -0.72940300 N/A N/A 487763 209172
HP22 5PN 51.77267700 -0.73131900 4 45 487634 208984
HP22 5PP 51.77058400 -0.72801200 32 94 487866 208755
HP22 5PQ 51.78164900 -0.73431100 7 14 487410 209978
HP22 5PR 51.77140400 -0.72977100 13 45 487743 208844
HP22 5PS 51.77638900 -0.75561100 2 5 485951 209368
HP22 5PT 51.77030100 -0.72677300 27 71 487952 208725
HP22 5PU 51.77006900 -0.72611300 20 46 487998 208700
HP22 5PW 51.77102000 -0.73027900 12 36 487709 208801
HP22 5PX 51.77079000 -0.72622300 4 14 487989 208780
HP22 5PY 51.76921900 -0.72915600 2 5 487790 208602
HP22 5PZ 51.76978600 -0.72986000 N/A N/A 487740 208664
HP22 5QA 51.76949500 -0.73202800 12 32 487591 208629
HP22 5QB 51.76849400 -0.73179500 24 74 487609 208518
HP22 5QD 51.76666200 -0.73202000 21 45 487597 208314
HP22 5QE 51.76577100 -0.73192900 8 20 487605 208215
HP22 5QF 51.76718900 -0.72920900 40 120 487790 208376
HP22 5QG 51.76746200 -0.72618700 11 39 487998 208410
HP22 5QH 51.76756000 -0.72443000 35 99 488119 208423
HP22 5QJ 51.76651200 -0.72561900 19 55 488039 208305
HP22 5QL 51.76613900 -0.72709700 1 4 487938 208262
HP22 5QN 51.80101200 -0.72062900 14 34 488316 212148
HP22 5QP 51.80229300 -0.71862500 13 40 488452 212293
HP22 5QQ 51.76643800 -0.72876600 43 136 487822 208293
HP22 5QR 51.80117700 -0.71589700 25 54 488642 212172
HP22 5QS 51.79087100 -0.75596200 31 79 485899 210978
HP22 5QT 51.80859600 -0.76999900 10 33 484898 212933
HP22 5QU 51.79761700 -0.78378400 N/A N/A 483968 211696
HP22 5QW 51.80202600 -0.71957100 12 30 488387 212262
HP22 5QX 51.78592300 -0.76075200 16 37 485578 210422
HP22 5QY 51.79787800 -0.76401100 4 14 485331 211748
HP22 5QZ 51.78751500 -0.76438100 10 20 485325 210595
HP22 5RA 51.79338200 -0.75887000 20 56 485694 211254
HP22 5RB 51.79220400 -0.75972900 22 55 485637 211122
HP22 5RD 51.79281300 -0.76012800 44 109 485608 211189
HP22 5RE 51.79219900 -0.75820200 21 63 485742 211123
HP22 5RF 51.79237300 -0.75438800 29 74 486005 211147
HP22 5RG 51.79075800 -0.75376100 10 22 486051 210968
HP22 5RH 51.79155700 -0.75890500 20 57 485695 211051
HP22 5RJ 51.79296700 -0.74942700 2 6 486346 211219
HP22 5RL 51.79119900 -0.75888100 10 26 485697 211011
HP22 5RN 51.79431400 -0.74905200 N/A N/A 486369 211369
HP22 5RP 51.79092800 -0.76131000 13 28 485530 210978
HP22 5RQ 51.79221600 -0.75144900 12 32 486208 211133
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