HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 50-100 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5DQ 51.83050000 -0.78550500 20 48 483788 215351
HP22 5DR 51.83264600 -0.78264700 8 16 483981 215593
HP22 5DS 51.83436800 -0.77713500 37 100 484358 215791
HP22 5DT 51.83483100 -0.77824800 29 71 484280 215841
HP22 5DU 51.83431800 -0.78101100 11 23 484091 215781
HP22 5DW 51.83234600 -0.78415500 33 70 483878 215558
HP22 5DX 51.83485400 -0.77974800 2 6 484177 215842
HP22 5DY 51.83437900 -0.77370300 4 14 484594 215796
HP22 5DZ 51.83702700 -0.77600300 24 52 484431 216088
HP22 5EA 51.83645700 -0.77564100 4 10 484457 216025
HP22 5EB 51.77949600 -0.79383300 5 10 483308 209669
HP22 5ED 51.82951600 -0.78683800 6 16 483698 215240
HP22 5EE 51.80194500 -0.72451900 4 10 488046 212247
HP22 5EF 51.82923800 -0.79040100 10 26 483453 215205
HP22 5EG 51.80136400 -0.73499600 44 106 487325 212170
HP22 5EH 51.80175900 -0.73561900 16 43 487281 212213
HP22 5EJ 51.80038300 -0.73743100 57 122 487159 212058
HP22 5EL 51.83006600 -0.78965300 21 56 483503 215298
HP22 5EN 51.80429400 -0.72405100 6 17 488074 212509
HP22 5EP 51.79903700 -0.74088700 44 104 486923 211904
HP22 5EQ 51.80078700 -0.72649900 4 8 487912 212116
HP22 5ER 51.80514300 -0.72676400 2 7 487885 212600
HP22 5ES 51.80285300 -0.73041500 39 99 487638 212341
HP22 5ET 51.80379800 -0.72787500 24 46 487811 212449
HP22 5EU 51.80437200 -0.72626800 30 75 487921 212515
HP22 5EW 51.82123900 -0.73698000 N/A N/A 487150 214378
HP22 5EX 51.80264300 -0.72505000 23 53 488008 212324
HP22 5EY 51.80462900 -0.72830100 5 7 487780 212541
HP22 5EZ 51.81810900 -0.73943200 7 19 486987 214027
HP22 5FA 51.78643500 -0.78770900 7 17 483718 210448
HP22 5FB 51.76849500 -0.72353400 1 2 488179 208528
HP22 5FD 51.76872800 -0.72760000 31 81 487898 208549
HP22 5FE 51.79792200 -0.70773800 N/A N/A 489211 211820
HP22 5FF 51.80133700 -0.73735700 20 52 487162 212164
HP22 5FG 51.79861600 -0.72101600 N/A N/A 488294 211881
HP22 5FH 51.76943200 -0.72869600 7 21 487821 208626
HP22 5FJ 51.83498000 -0.77792500 3 7 484302 215858
HP22 5FL 51.76914500 -0.72298000 3 12 488216 208601
HP22 5FN 51.76998600 -0.72427500 2 4 488125 208693
HP22 5FP 51.79710200 -0.71169100 N/A N/A 488940 211724
HP22 5FQ 51.78708100 -0.79014200 8 22 483549 210517
HP22 5FR 51.79536400 -0.71318000 N/A N/A 488841 211529
HP22 5FS 51.76906200 -0.72614200 3 7 487998 208588
HP22 5FT 51.79582500 -0.71177500 N/A N/A 488937 211582
HP22 5FU 51.80101600 -0.73088300 N/A N/A 487609 212136
HP22 5FW 51.79789900 -0.71382900 30 46 488791 211810
HP22 5FX 51.80294800 -0.72916100 5 12 487724 212353
HP22 5FY 51.79636800 -0.71206400 N/A N/A 488916 211642
HP22 5FZ 51.80558300 -0.72921700 18 46 487715 212646
HP22 5GA 51.83658000 -0.77095800 N/A N/A 484779 216044
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