NG31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG31 9 is a postcode sector in South Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG31 9 Postcodes (Active). NG31 9 postcode sector comprises of 287 active postcodes. NG31 9 sector has a population of 13002, and it has 5435 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG31 9 postcode sector

NG31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13002
Addresses / Property Count 5435
Active Postcodes 287
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of NG31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 287 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG31 9DZ 52.90484500 -0.63127000 15 30 492155 335033
NG31 9EA 52.90529700 -0.63075000 8 12 492189 335084
NG31 9EB 52.90585600 -0.62883400 21 37 492317 335149
NG31 9ED 52.90725400 -0.63128400 27 73 492149 335301
NG31 9EF 52.91408900 -0.63068200 N/A N/A 492175 336062
NG31 9EG 52.91719800 -0.61538800 13 25 493197 336428
NG31 9EJ 52.90490900 -0.62934000 30 71 492285 335043
NG31 9EL 52.91394400 -0.62938200 6 10 492263 336048
NG31 9EN 52.90465000 -0.62766300 17 30 492398 335016
NG31 9EP 52.92409300 -0.63125900 3 5 492115 337174
NG31 9EQ 52.92154700 -0.61749500 N/A N/A 493046 336909
NG31 9ER 52.91173800 -0.58235400 3 6 495430 335864
NG31 9ET 52.90789400 -0.60087400 12 25 494193 335412
NG31 9EW 52.90425000 -0.62830500 14 25 492356 334971
NG31 9EX 52.91181400 -0.59399600 7 15 494647 335857
NG31 9FA 52.92574300 -0.62939200 N/A N/A 492237 337360
NG31 9FB 52.92539600 -0.61148200 28 80 493442 337345
NG31 9FD 52.92656300 -0.61361600 26 80 493296 337472
NG31 9FE 52.92583800 -0.61387700 14 30 493280 337391
NG31 9FF 52.92596600 -0.61173100 10 33 493424 337408
NG31 9FG 52.92525100 -0.61060900 20 59 493501 337330
NG31 9FH 52.92469000 -0.61256000 20 54 493371 337265
NG31 9FJ 52.92442600 -0.61149800 20 54 493443 337237
NG31 9FL 52.92406900 -0.61250600 25 70 493376 337196
NG31 9FN 52.92440300 -0.60952000 36 91 493576 337237
NG31 9FP 52.92378400 -0.60964400 12 32 493569 337168
NG31 9FR 52.92359700 -0.61057200 29 77 493507 337146
NG31 9FS 52.92374000 -0.61281400 N/A N/A 493356 337159
NG31 9FT 52.92322400 -0.61178900 21 57 493426 337103
NG31 9FU 52.91909800 -0.63351800 N/A N/A 491974 336616
NG31 9FW 52.92664200 -0.62863400 N/A N/A 492286 337461
NG31 9FX 52.91858700 -0.63329200 N/A N/A 491990 336559
NG31 9FY 52.91983000 -0.62490800 N/A N/A 492551 336708
NG31 9FZ 52.90581500 -0.63042200 N/A N/A 492210 335142
NG31 9GA 52.92590000 -0.61689500 27 71 493077 337394
NG31 9GB 52.92496500 -0.61688100 15 48 493080 337290
NG31 9GD 52.92493200 -0.61481400 50 129 493219 337289
NG31 9GE 52.92613100 -0.61508800 12 27 493198 337422
NG31 9GF 52.92618500 -0.61819500 16 40 492989 337424
NG31 9GG 52.92606200 -0.61924100 23 50 492919 337409
NG31 9GH 52.92506800 -0.61960000 9 20 492897 337298
NG31 9GJ 52.92488500 -0.61853400 23 76 492969 337279
NG31 9GL 52.92470600 -0.61935800 15 43 492914 337258
NG31 9GW 52.92078300 -0.62834800 5 10 492318 336810
NG31 9HA 52.91205100 -0.60648000 13 19 493807 335867
NG31 9HB 52.91541900 -0.59099400 19 44 494841 336262
NG31 9HD 52.92183600 -0.58859900 2 8 494988 336979
NG31 9HE 52.91862200 -0.63429100 7 16 491923 336562
NG31 9HF 52.91195500 -0.60793600 N/A N/A 493709 335854
NG31 9HG 52.91830300 -0.60761800 25 52 493717 336561
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