NG31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG31 9 is a postcode sector in South Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG31 9 Postcodes (Active). NG31 9 postcode sector comprises of 287 active postcodes. NG31 9 sector has a population of 13002, and it has 5435 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG31 9 postcode sector

NG31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13002
Addresses / Property Count 5435
Active Postcodes 287
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of NG31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 287 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG31 9HH 52.92293600 -0.63388400 69 181 491941 337042
NG31 9HJ 52.91932000 -0.63606500 33 79 491802 336637
NG31 9HL 52.91887300 -0.63583000 7 15 491819 336588
NG31 9HN 52.92197400 -0.63500400 N/A N/A 491868 336934
NG31 9HP 52.91199600 -0.60838100 N/A N/A 493679 335858
NG31 9HQ 52.91999200 -0.61055400 11 31 493516 336745
NG31 9HR 52.92202700 -0.62940900 14 30 492244 336947
NG31 9HS 52.92123300 -0.63277700 22 51 492019 336854
NG31 9HT 52.92136700 -0.63189500 6 17 492078 336870
NG31 9HU 52.92080700 -0.63276500 33 61 492021 336807
NG31 9HW 52.92161000 -0.63306700 18 39 491999 336896
NG31 9HX 52.91939900 -0.63077200 17 69 492158 336653
NG31 9HY 52.91981300 -0.63236500 12 28 492050 336697
NG31 9HZ 52.91973500 -0.62681500 25 67 492423 336695
NG31 9JA 52.91923300 -0.62611700 19 58 492471 336640
NG31 9JB 52.92157100 -0.62855700 13 25 492302 336897
NG31 9JD 52.92111100 -0.63033100 48 114 492184 336844
NG31 9JE 52.92220000 -0.62886800 21 40 492280 336967
NG31 9JF 52.92186900 -0.62630100 18 25 492453 336933
NG31 9JG 52.92075800 -0.62435800 31 53 492586 336812
NG31 9JH 52.92102600 -0.62731000 14 19 492387 336838
NG31 9JJ 52.91987600 -0.62534200 3 3 492522 336713
NG31 9JL 52.92079100 -0.63532400 30 61 491849 336802
NG31 9JN 52.92490700 -0.62817300 17 33 492321 337269
NG31 9JP 52.91709400 -0.61412700 22 29 493282 336418
NG31 9JQ 52.92111800 -0.62587900 31 46 492483 336850
NG31 9JR 52.91362400 -0.62812800 7 18 492348 336014
NG31 9JS 52.91476000 -0.62837500 30 75 492329 336140
NG31 9JT 52.91536200 -0.62488600 18 53 492562 336211
NG31 9JU 52.91437300 -0.62650800 17 47 492455 336099
NG31 9JW 52.91621700 -0.62423400 27 49 492604 336307
NG31 9JX 52.91523400 -0.62742300 15 37 492392 336194
NG31 9JY 52.91556300 -0.62441800 34 88 492593 336234
NG31 9JZ 52.91401200 -0.62587000 21 64 492499 336060
NG31 9LA 52.91515500 -0.62571000 30 87 492507 336187
NG31 9LB 52.91491200 -0.62673400 11 24 492439 336159
NG31 9LD 52.91637700 -0.62643000 3 7 492456 336322
NG31 9LE 52.91734600 -0.62620600 14 38 492469 336430
NG31 9LF 52.91723000 -0.62740400 4 7 492389 336416
NG31 9LG 52.91764800 -0.62706400 22 50 492411 336463
NG31 9LH 52.91680600 -0.62262900 22 80 492711 336375
NG31 9LJ 52.91897200 -0.62415100 19 35 492604 336614
NG31 9LL 52.91849000 -0.62407300 18 52 492610 336560
NG31 9LN 52.91959600 -0.62294200 23 71 492684 336685
NG31 9LP 52.91802400 -0.60799400 31 69 493692 336529
NG31 9LQ 52.91631100 -0.62307100 42 91 492682 336319
NG31 9LR 52.91933300 -0.61079300 N/A N/A 493501 336671
NG31 9LS 52.91649000 -0.62528100 22 49 492533 336336
NG31 9LT 52.91385400 -0.62703500 4 12 492421 336041
NG31 9LU 52.91954300 -0.61986400 6 9 492891 336683
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