NG31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG31 9 is a postcode sector in South Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG31 9 Postcodes (Active). NG31 9 postcode sector comprises of 287 active postcodes. NG31 9 sector has a population of 13002, and it has 5435 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG31 9 postcode sector

NG31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13002
Addresses / Property Count 5435
Active Postcodes 287
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of NG31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 287 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG31 9QH 52.92792200 -0.62423500 12 25 492579 337609
NG31 9QJ 52.92791900 -0.62279700 10 30 492676 337611
NG31 9QL 52.92668100 -0.61989000 37 95 492874 337477
NG31 9QN 52.92025800 -0.62028800 6 15 492861 336762
NG31 9QP 52.92181100 -0.62007500 20 50 492872 336935
NG31 9QQ 52.92750500 -0.62196200 55 111 492733 337566
NG31 9QR 52.92136800 -0.61756000 4 12 493042 336889
NG31 9QS 52.92064700 -0.61899600 37 103 492947 336807
NG31 9QT 52.92085500 -0.61754700 14 35 493044 336832
NG31 9QU 52.92072200 -0.61688200 14 30 493089 336818
NG31 9QW 52.92117900 -0.61951000 35 91 492911 336865
NG31 9QX 52.92072900 -0.61595900 28 73 493151 336820
NG31 9QY 52.92141000 -0.61574400 12 36 493164 336896
NG31 9QZ 52.92171500 -0.61647800 5 10 493114 336929
NG31 9RA 52.92305200 -0.61552800 37 81 493175 337079
NG31 9RB 52.92306700 -0.61604800 27 59 493140 337080
NG31 9RD 52.92355900 -0.61814500 62 177 492998 337132
NG31 9RE 52.92285000 -0.61743900 40 51 493047 337054
NG31 9RF 52.92235600 -0.61824300 13 21 492994 336998
NG31 9RG 52.92281600 -0.61957700 3 7 492903 337047
NG31 9RH 52.92424200 -0.62240300 47 101 492710 337202
NG31 9RJ 52.92368800 -0.62193000 24 58 492743 337141
NG31 9RL 52.92296800 -0.62222500 15 40 492725 337061
NG31 9RN 52.92239700 -0.61947600 21 53 492911 337001
NG31 9RP 52.92430700 -0.63037400 3 7 492174 337199
NG31 9RQ 52.92342900 -0.61970700 20 56 492893 337115
NG31 9RR 52.91912000 -0.63228300 N/A N/A 492057 336620
NG31 9RS 52.92694100 -0.62255500 19 50 492694 337502
NG31 9RT 52.92037000 -0.60298600 1 2 494024 336797
NG31 9RU 52.93058800 -0.58212500 32 72 495404 337961
NG31 9RW 52.92330900 -0.62182300 23 56 492751 337099
NG31 9RX 52.93205600 -0.58283100 4 9 495353 338123
NG31 9RY 52.92916500 -0.58348100 13 35 495316 337801
NG31 9RZ 52.92528700 -0.60490500 2 7 493884 337341
NG31 9SA 52.92037100 -0.62696300 N/A N/A 492412 336766
NG31 9SB 52.92541300 -0.61524500 34 79 493189 337342
NG31 9SE 52.92451200 -0.60469200 N/A N/A 493900 337255
NG31 9SG 52.92501500 -0.60654000 N/A N/A 493775 337309
NG31 9SH 52.92840800 -0.61887900 1 1 492938 337670
NG31 9SJ 52.92753800 -0.61476000 N/A N/A 493217 337579
NG31 9SL 52.92737500 -0.60390600 N/A N/A 493947 337575
NG31 9SN 52.92644000 -0.60659400 N/A N/A 493768 337467
NG31 9SP 52.92474800 -0.60214600 N/A N/A 494071 337285
NG31 9SQ 52.92984200 -0.62423800 1 3 492575 337823
NG31 9SR 52.92556000 -0.60366200 N/A N/A 493967 337373
NG31 9SS 52.92652300 -0.62066400 22 56 492822 337458
NG31 9ST 52.92629900 -0.61029200 N/A N/A 493520 337447
NG31 9SU 52.91998900 -0.60722200 17 26 493740 336749
NG31 9SW 52.92324700 -0.60759400 N/A N/A 493708 337111
NG31 9SX 52.92017400 -0.60773700 19 41 493705 336769
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