NG31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG31 9 is a postcode sector in South Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG31 9 Postcodes (Active). NG31 9 postcode sector comprises of 287 active postcodes. NG31 9 sector has a population of 13002, and it has 5435 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG31 9 postcode sector

NG31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13002
Addresses / Property Count 5435
Active Postcodes 287
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of NG31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-287 of 287 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG31 9SY 52.91880600 -0.60681400 26 67 493770 336618
NG31 9SZ 52.91912400 -0.60707100 11 25 493752 336653
NG31 9TA 52.91975200 -0.60620300 34 77 493809 336724
NG31 9TB 52.92518600 -0.62167400 48 115 492757 337308
NG31 9TD 52.91894500 -0.60566400 17 37 493847 336635
NG31 9TE 52.92474200 -0.62090400 21 50 492810 337260
NG31 9TF 52.91814100 -0.60576000 41 104 493842 336545
NG31 9TG 52.91907100 -0.60411300 24 65 493951 336651
NG31 9TH 52.91739100 -0.60424200 33 82 493946 336464
NG31 9TJ 52.91769400 -0.60514900 22 58 493884 336496
NG31 9TL 52.92136300 -0.61097100 47 98 493485 336897
NG31 9TN 52.92147400 -0.61014500 30 72 493540 336910
NG31 9TP 52.92141300 -0.60876300 56 123 493633 336905
NG31 9TQ 52.91884200 -0.60450700 11 28 493925 336625
NG31 9TR 52.92230600 -0.60937900 19 53 493590 337004
NG31 9TS 52.92033600 -0.60896100 30 69 493622 336785
NG31 9TT 52.91636100 -0.60527100 8 11 493879 336348
NG31 9TU 52.91821700 -0.60916300 30 78 493613 336549
NG31 9TX 52.91748300 -0.61021300 50 113 493544 336466
NG31 9TY 52.91746600 -0.60871100 15 36 493645 336466
NG31 9TZ 52.91682000 -0.60921300 14 37 493613 336394
NG31 9UA 52.91685400 -0.61056500 24 62 493522 336396
NG31 9UB 52.91821500 -0.61126000 34 62 493472 336546
NG31 9UD 52.91598200 -0.61173300 28 62 493445 336297
NG31 9UE 52.91605600 -0.60887500 15 24 493637 336309
NG31 9UF 52.91665800 -0.60759700 11 23 493722 336378
NG31 9UG 52.91563200 -0.60678200 20 47 493779 336265
NG31 9UH 52.91526800 -0.60868200 47 105 493652 336222
NG31 9UJ 52.92040400 -0.60969300 9 21 493573 336792
NG31 9UL 52.92040800 -0.60812600 5 11 493678 336794
NG31 9UN 52.91518000 -0.61004900 6 12 493560 336210
NG31 9UP 52.92792200 -0.62150200 13 26 492763 337613
NG31 9UQ 52.91556100 -0.60957500 24 60 493591 336253
NG31 9UR 52.92236600 -0.62841700 6 17 492310 336986
NG31 9UT 52.92397500 -0.61909900 4 9 492933 337177
NG31 9UW 52.92782500 -0.62241300 15 34 492702 337601
NG31 9ZQ 52.90966800 -0.64064000 N/A N/A 491515 335558
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