NG31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG31 9 is a postcode sector in South Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG31 9 Postcodes (Active). NG31 9 postcode sector comprises of 287 active postcodes. NG31 9 sector has a population of 13002, and it has 5435 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG31 9 postcode sector

NG31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13002
Addresses / Property Count 5435
Active Postcodes 287
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of NG31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 287 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG31 9LW 52.91925200 -0.62158000 18 48 492776 336648
NG31 9LX 52.91969600 -0.61834200 12 28 492993 336702
NG31 9LY 52.92004900 -0.61858400 16 41 492976 336741
NG31 9LZ 52.91867800 -0.61859300 44 108 492978 336588
NG31 9NA 52.91765200 -0.61770400 36 106 493040 336475
NG31 9NB 52.91866700 -0.61647100 25 53 493121 336590
NG31 9ND 52.91791200 -0.61725400 12 35 493070 336505
NG31 9NE 52.91852200 -0.61752700 20 46 493050 336572
NG31 9NF 52.91913700 -0.61786500 6 18 493026 336640
NG31 9NG 52.91853400 -0.61547400 12 32 493188 336576
NG31 9NH 52.91873500 -0.61301900 52 137 493353 336602
NG31 9NJ 52.91803900 -0.61233700 16 41 493400 336525
NG31 9NL 52.91981100 -0.61201700 20 47 493418 336723
NG31 9NN 52.91880500 -0.61517300 21 49 493208 336607
NG31 9NP 52.91920900 -0.61588900 16 35 493159 336651
NG31 9NQ 52.91779500 -0.61539400 14 39 493195 336494
NG31 9NR 52.91965200 -0.61615700 8 13 493140 336700
NG31 9NS 52.92011600 -0.61578600 12 24 493164 336752
NG31 9NT 52.91834700 -0.62064600 47 128 492841 336549
NG31 9NU 52.91870800 -0.62042200 32 96 492855 336589
NG31 9NW 52.91915500 -0.61360000 27 68 493313 336648
NG31 9NX 52.91763400 -0.62041600 15 19 492858 336470
NG31 9NY 52.91745500 -0.62126900 30 61 492801 336449
NG31 9NZ 52.91751700 -0.62193700 44 105 492756 336455
NG31 9PA 52.91806300 -0.62330300 16 62 492663 336514
NG31 9PB 52.92595300 -0.62657400 14 39 492426 337387
NG31 9PD 52.92682700 -0.62593600 9 22 492467 337485
NG31 9PE 52.92581900 -0.62428700 46 112 492580 337375
NG31 9PF 52.92608600 -0.62126300 65 183 492783 337409
NG31 9PG 52.92357900 -0.63039700 16 32 492174 337118
NG31 9PH 52.92293400 -0.63012500 8 19 492194 337047
NG31 9PJ 52.92339700 -0.63207300 18 42 492062 337096
NG31 9PL 52.92533200 -0.62878000 13 35 492279 337315
NG31 9PN 52.92599200 -0.62367100 5 14 492621 337395
NG31 9PP 52.92498400 -0.62670800 1 2 492419 337279
NG31 9PQ 52.92610900 -0.62444100 7 19 492569 337407
NG31 9PR 52.92411900 -0.62883300 11 27 492278 337180
NG31 9PS 52.92321800 -0.62822600 14 28 492321 337081
NG31 9PT 52.92293500 -0.62868200 16 37 492291 337049
NG31 9PU 52.92375800 -0.62793700 25 57 492339 337141
NG31 9PW 52.92753000 -0.62643900 18 56 492432 337563
NG31 9PX 52.92197800 -0.62520100 35 98 492527 336947
NG31 9PY 52.92088100 -0.62172100 22 54 492763 336829
NG31 9PZ 52.92130800 -0.62133600 7 14 492788 336877
NG31 9QA 52.92257700 -0.62418600 35 92 492594 337015
NG31 9QB 52.92404500 -0.62592400 29 77 492474 337176
NG31 9QD 52.92336600 -0.62519800 44 124 492524 337101
NG31 9QE 52.92439200 -0.62406900 28 62 492598 337217
NG31 9QF 52.92271300 -0.62269400 38 108 492694 337032
NG31 9QG 52.92200500 -0.62103100 37 84 492807 336955
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