SN3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN3 4 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN3 4 Postcodes (Active). SN3 4 postcode sector comprises of 318 active postcodes. SN3 4 sector has a population of 12861, and it has 5330 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN3 4 postcode sector

SN3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12861
Addresses / Property Count 5330
Active Postcodes 318
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SN3 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 318 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN3 4DR 51.57306900 -1.74966200 8 15 417446 186052
SN3 4DS 51.57311000 -1.74769900 33 70 417582 186057
SN3 4DT 51.57233800 -1.74835300 10 17 417537 185971
SN3 4DU 51.57248900 -1.74731300 33 77 417609 185988
SN3 4DW 51.57322700 -1.75182600 33 63 417296 186069
SN3 4DX 51.57254000 -1.74610100 10 22 417693 185994
SN3 4DY 51.57230000 -1.74717000 14 33 417619 185967
SN3 4DZ 51.57224200 -1.74559800 18 38 417728 185961
SN3 4EA 51.57324900 -1.74521700 32 70 417754 186073
SN3 4EB 51.57303200 -1.74462600 24 61 417795 186049
SN3 4ED 51.57145300 -1.74242800 23 61 417948 185874
SN3 4EE 51.57208500 -1.74344800 19 37 417877 185944
SN3 4EF 51.57256300 -1.74406600 24 44 417834 185997
SN3 4EG 51.57176500 -1.74521100 29 62 417755 185908
SN3 4EH 51.57080500 -1.74592300 12 31 417706 185801
SN3 4EJ 51.57101300 -1.74686000 8 22 417641 185824
SN3 4EL 51.57134600 -1.74675700 8 18 417648 185861
SN3 4EN 51.57171700 -1.74802500 21 40 417560 185902
SN3 4EP 51.56863800 -1.74208300 19 43 417973 185561
SN3 4EQ 51.57110800 -1.74498300 12 26 417771 185835
SN3 4ER 51.57638000 -1.73009100 N/A N/A 418801 186425
SN3 4ES 51.57842300 -1.73057100 N/A N/A 418767 186652
SN3 4ET 51.56879000 -1.74143300 22 62 418018 185578
SN3 4EU 51.56996400 -1.74379200 12 36 417854 185708
SN3 4EW 51.57688800 -1.72842800 N/A N/A 418916 186482
SN3 4EX 51.56965500 -1.74235100 34 55 417954 185674
SN3 4EY 51.57035200 -1.74454000 26 61 417802 185751
SN3 4EZ 51.56979400 -1.74419700 6 15 417826 185689
SN3 4FA 51.58850200 -1.74647600 N/A N/A 417661 187769
SN3 4FB 51.55119400 -1.72576900 N/A N/A 419111 183625
SN3 4FD 51.56957000 -1.74486200 14 33 417780 185664
SN3 4FE 51.57022500 -1.74426700 12 37 417821 185737
SN3 4FF 51.57920100 -1.74947000 16 27 417457 186734
SN3 4FG 51.58227100 -1.74730200 4 6 417606 187076
SN3 4FH 51.58255000 -1.75085300 N/A N/A 417360 187106
SN3 4FJ 51.57436200 -1.74855800 15 39 417522 186196
SN3 4FL 51.58915600 -1.71832300 34 92 419611 187849
SN3 4FN 51.59556900 -1.73874000 N/A N/A 418194 188557
SN3 4FQ 51.57444500 -1.74966900 9 20 417445 186205
SN3 4FR 51.58742500 -1.71956200 N/A N/A 419526 187656
SN3 4FS 51.58850200 -1.74647600 N/A N/A 417661 187769
SN3 4FW 51.58985200 -1.75553300 N/A N/A 417033 187917
SN3 4FX 51.58233000 -1.72116700 N/A N/A 419417 187089
SN3 4FY 51.57529400 -1.73451400 N/A N/A 418495 186303
SN3 4GA 51.57504200 -1.73474500 2 3 418479 186275
SN3 4GD 51.60047600 -1.73774500 N/A N/A 418261 189103
SN3 4GF 51.57011400 -1.74249300 27 75 417944 185725
SN3 4GH 51.58201400 -1.74446100 N/A N/A 417803 187048
SN3 4GJ 51.57753500 -1.74005500 N/A N/A 418110 186551
SN3 4GL 51.57788800 -1.74094800 N/A N/A 418048 186590
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