SN3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN3 4 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN3 4 Postcodes (Active). SN3 4 postcode sector comprises of 318 active postcodes. SN3 4 sector has a population of 12861, and it has 5330 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN3 4 postcode sector

SN3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12861
Addresses / Property Count 5330
Active Postcodes 318
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 150-200 of 318 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN3 4LN 51.57922800 -1.74137400 26 59 418018 186739
SN3 4LQ 51.57819600 -1.73794500 49 144 418256 186625
SN3 4LR 51.57972900 -1.73991300 60 117 418119 186795
SN3 4LS 51.58061600 -1.74286700 22 70 417914 186893
SN3 4LT 51.57920600 -1.74322100 40 110 417890 186736
SN3 4LU 51.57796200 -1.74197200 10 24 417977 186598
SN3 4LW 51.57921200 -1.74225400 39 109 417957 186737
SN3 4LX 51.57771400 -1.74372000 36 99 417856 186570
SN3 4LY 51.57869600 -1.74476800 29 69 417783 186679
SN3 4LZ 51.57864000 -1.74378700 10 24 417851 186673
SN3 4NA 51.58094300 -1.74419200 20 54 417822 186929
SN3 4NB 51.58185100 -1.74404300 52 85 417832 187030
SN3 4ND 51.58344700 -1.75858400 N/A N/A 416824 187204
SN3 4NE 51.58144900 -1.74530100 8 15 417745 186985
SN3 4NF 51.58166700 -1.74632400 12 27 417674 187009
SN3 4NG 51.58162600 -1.74762500 55 115 417584 187004
SN3 4NH 51.58248700 -1.74655200 32 73 417658 187100
SN3 4NJ 51.58468700 -1.74928200 4 10 417468 187344
SN3 4NL 51.58409100 -1.74890900 14 31 417494 187278
SN3 4NN 51.58403000 -1.74955900 11 36 417449 187271
SN3 4NP 51.57716500 -1.74359300 40 122 417865 186509
SN3 4NQ 51.58273000 -1.74737200 32 68 417601 187127
SN3 4NR 51.58261800 -1.74530900 17 47 417744 187115
SN3 4NS 51.58194000 -1.75176500 N/A N/A 417297 187038
SN3 4NT 51.58415100 -1.74732100 14 16 417604 187285
SN3 4NU 51.58092700 -1.74501500 7 14 417765 186927
SN3 4NW 51.57707200 -1.74222300 55 137 417960 186499
SN3 4NY 51.58162800 -1.74091300 45 139 418049 187006
SN3 4NZ 51.58105200 -1.74878100 60 82 417504 186940
SN3 4PA 51.58722400 -1.75512700 12 36 417062 187625
SN3 4PB 51.57511300 -1.75530700 17 27 417054 186278
SN3 4PD 51.57347100 -1.75648700 35 78 416973 186095
SN3 4PE 51.57729700 -1.75912000 N/A N/A 416789 186520
SN3 4PF 51.57562400 -1.75420800 8 32 417130 186335
SN3 4PG 51.57653300 -1.75450800 31 67 417109 186436
SN3 4PH 51.57792400 -1.75348800 10 22 417179 186591
SN3 4PJ 51.58339900 -1.74901400 8 17 417487 187201
SN3 4PL 51.57682800 -1.75394200 15 35 417148 186469
SN3 4PN 51.57706900 -1.75300200 25 70 417213 186496
SN3 4PP 51.58301100 -1.74838100 17 30 417531 187158
SN3 4PQ 51.57596800 -1.75549000 11 30 417041 186373
SN3 4PR 51.57241200 -1.76142700 N/A N/A 416631 185976
SN3 4PS 51.57747700 -1.75073500 33 77 417370 186542
SN3 4PT 51.57834500 -1.75277900 20 39 417228 186638
SN3 4PU 51.58149500 -1.74997700 51 138 417421 186989
SN3 4PW 51.57654600 -1.75263000 34 79 417239 186438
SN3 4PY 51.58229200 -1.74858700 3 10 417517 187078
SN3 4PZ 51.58290600 -1.74956500 15 31 417449 187146
SN3 4QA 51.58257400 -1.74969800 N/A N/A 417440 187109
SN3 4QB 51.56993300 -1.74187300 46 87 417987 185705
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