SN3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN3 4 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN3 4 Postcodes (Active). SN3 4 postcode sector comprises of 318 active postcodes. SN3 4 sector has a population of 12861, and it has 5330 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN3 4 postcode sector

SN3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12861
Addresses / Property Count 5330
Active Postcodes 318
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SN3 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 318 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN3 4GQ 51.58191100 -1.75052400 N/A N/A 417383 187035
SN3 4GR 51.58267000 -1.74835500 N/A N/A 417533 187120
SN3 4GU 51.57773700 -1.75038700 N/A N/A 417394 186571
SN3 4HA 51.57390600 -1.74958700 33 110 417451 186145
SN3 4HB 51.57465600 -1.74695700 32 86 417633 186229
SN3 4HD 51.57490600 -1.74255200 54 133 417938 186258
SN3 4HE 51.57631100 -1.73929800 53 141 418163 186415
SN3 4HF 51.57583200 -1.73839100 10 28 418226 186362
SN3 4HG 51.57511500 -1.73533600 4 6 418438 186283
SN3 4HH 51.57523500 -1.74484500 54 136 417779 186294
SN3 4HJ 51.57577000 -1.74280700 50 99 417920 186354
SN3 4HN 51.57592800 -1.74124800 43 78 418028 186372
SN3 4HP 51.57541800 -1.73823500 27 66 418237 186316
SN3 4HQ 51.57518900 -1.73605700 10 24 418388 186291
SN3 4HR 51.57425100 -1.73894900 15 32 418188 186186
SN3 4HS 51.57396400 -1.73928200 20 37 418165 186154
SN3 4HT 51.57462600 -1.73790800 21 47 418260 186228
SN3 4HU 51.57450600 -1.73662400 23 46 418349 186215
SN3 4HW 51.57480300 -1.74448700 4 9 417804 186246
SN3 4HX 51.57411100 -1.73672700 20 37 418342 186171
SN3 4HY 51.57363500 -1.73686000 16 32 418333 186118
SN3 4HZ 51.57342700 -1.73637100 21 40 418367 186095
SN3 4JA 51.57405700 -1.74476500 21 63 417785 186163
SN3 4JB 51.57468000 -1.74168800 28 69 417998 186233
SN3 4JD 51.57586200 -1.73582300 1 2 418404 186366
SN3 4JE 51.56920300 -1.74143000 15 46 418018 185624
SN3 4JG 51.58249100 -1.75255600 N/A N/A 417242 187099
SN3 4JH 51.57586200 -1.75210000 26 61 417276 186362
SN3 4JJ 51.57608400 -1.75064100 34 81 417377 186387
SN3 4JL 51.57566700 -1.74911400 24 68 417483 186341
SN3 4JN 51.57743700 -1.74868600 29 75 417512 186538
SN3 4JP 51.57616900 -1.74872100 8 16 417510 186397
SN3 4JQ 51.57504400 -1.75209000 12 27 417277 186271
SN3 4JR 51.57767000 -1.74828000 28 65 417540 186564
SN3 4JS 51.57745200 -1.74738700 16 39 417602 186540
SN3 4JT 51.57792200 -1.74780400 5 10 417573 186592
SN3 4JU 51.57760400 -1.74686600 25 61 417638 186557
SN3 4JW 51.57660300 -1.74949800 32 76 417456 186445
SN3 4JX 51.57692900 -1.74643700 26 66 417668 186482
SN3 4JY 51.57947300 -1.74563100 32 87 417723 186765
SN3 4JZ 51.57897600 -1.74522800 28 68 417751 186710
SN3 4LA 51.57736900 -1.74567200 4 9 417721 186531
SN3 4LB 51.57660400 -1.74525700 29 74 417750 186446
SN3 4LD 51.57539600 -1.74884100 65 170 417502 186311
SN3 4LE 51.58047400 -1.74345900 7 19 417873 186877
SN3 4LF 51.58428800 -1.74779800 2 9 417571 187300
SN3 4LG 51.58109500 -1.74341400 4 12 417876 186946
SN3 4LH 51.57655900 -1.73769400 5 70 418274 186443
SN3 4LJ 51.57823600 -1.73964700 7 17 418138 186629
SN3 4LL 51.57860200 -1.73873600 28 63 418201 186670
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