SN3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN3 4 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN3 4 Postcodes (Active). SN3 4 postcode sector comprises of 318 active postcodes. SN3 4 sector has a population of 12861, and it has 5330 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN3 4 postcode sector

SN3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12861
Addresses / Property Count 5330
Active Postcodes 318
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 200-250 of 318 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN3 4QD 51.57632900 -1.75638300 27 74 416979 186413
SN3 4QF 51.57902500 -1.75120200 11 22 417337 186714
SN3 4QG 51.57871000 -1.75095900 12 31 417354 186679
SN3 4QH 51.58319700 -1.75083500 N/A N/A 417361 187178
SN3 4QL 51.58729400 -1.75001700 42 119 417416 187634
SN3 4QN 51.58610900 -1.75088900 7 13 417356 187502
SN3 4QP 51.59797100 -1.74689900 N/A N/A 417628 188822
SN3 4QQ 51.57994000 -1.75031700 14 38 417398 186816
SN3 4QR 51.57954400 -1.75018900 10 26 417407 186772
SN3 4QS 51.59148500 -1.74631300 14 31 417671 188101
SN3 4QT 51.57822400 -1.75106200 35 41 417347 186625
SN3 4QU 51.57822400 -1.75106200 46 58 417347 186625
SN3 4QW 51.58565700 -1.74973700 4 9 417436 187452
SN3 4QX 51.58038600 -1.74875600 18 41 417506 186866
SN3 4QY 51.57988300 -1.74888900 21 54 417497 186810
SN3 4QZ 51.58051500 -1.75004000 6 12 417417 186880
SN3 4RB 51.57958700 -1.72484800 N/A N/A 419163 186783
SN3 4RG 51.58827300 -1.75341800 48 95 417180 187742
SN3 4RH 51.58659800 -1.75192800 36 95 417284 187556
SN3 4RJ 51.58630100 -1.75585500 1 1 417012 187522
SN3 4RN 51.58510800 -1.75319100 N/A N/A 417197 187390
SN3 4RP 51.58597900 -1.72467900 5 16 419172 187494
SN3 4RQ 51.58595100 -1.75244900 36 93 417248 187484
SN3 4RR 51.58697800 -1.72507700 15 35 419144 187605
SN3 4RS 51.58004900 -1.72249200 1 2 419326 186835
SN3 4RT 51.58261900 -1.70693500 15 43 420403 187125
SN3 4RU 51.57910200 -1.72105700 2 4 419426 186730
SN3 4RX 51.58298100 -1.72661800 9 25 419039 187160
SN3 4RY 51.58810300 -1.72488400 22 59 419157 187730
SN3 4RZ 51.58869300 -1.72410000 5 16 419211 187796
SN3 4SA 51.59003100 -1.72270700 2 2 419307 187945
SN3 4SB 51.59045200 -1.72281900 4 7 419299 187992
SN3 4SD 51.59087600 -1.72320600 3 8 419272 188039
SN3 4SE 51.59627700 -1.72608900 4 13 419070 188639
SN3 4SF 51.59240000 -1.72516000 31 67 419136 188208
SN3 4SG 51.59938300 -1.72774600 4 10 418954 188984
SN3 4SH 51.58968500 -1.72102100 1 1 419424 187907
SN3 4SJ 51.58512000 -1.72272100 6 11 419308 187399
SN3 4SL 51.59055800 -1.71425800 3 11 419892 188006
SN3 4SN 51.59040600 -1.72225600 4 9 419338 187987
SN3 4SP 51.59102600 -1.72154700 2 5 419387 188056
SN3 4SQ 51.59080700 -1.72446200 42 101 419185 188031
SN3 4SR 51.58993300 -1.71993500 15 42 419499 187935
SN3 4SS 51.58685800 -1.71602800 4 12 419771 187594
SN3 4ST 51.58460600 -1.71073100 5 13 420139 187345
SN3 4SU 51.58717700 -1.71052700 3 12 420152 187631
SN3 4SW 51.59094300 -1.72102600 8 20 419423 188047
SN3 4SX 51.59229700 -1.69805100 1 4 421014 188204
SN3 4SY 51.60374600 -1.73655600 7 12 418342 189467
SN3 4SZ 51.60012700 -1.74180500 1 1 417980 189063
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