SN3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN3 4 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN3 4 Postcodes (Active). SN3 4 postcode sector comprises of 318 active postcodes. SN3 4 sector has a population of 12861, and it has 5330 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN3 4 postcode sector

SN3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12861
Addresses / Property Count 5330
Active Postcodes 318
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 250-300 of 318 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN3 4TA 51.58596500 -1.72623800 N/A N/A 419064 187492
SN3 4TB 51.58834000 -1.72309200 13 34 419281 187757
SN3 4TD 51.59936400 -1.74676200 12 76 417637 188977
SN3 4TF 51.58944900 -1.74781300 5 15 417568 187874
SN3 4TG 51.60004200 -1.74020300 N/A N/A 418091 189054
SN3 4TH 51.59127100 -1.72316000 5 14 419275 188083
SN3 4TJ 51.59127200 -1.72314700 N/A N/A 419276 188083
SN3 4TN 51.59747800 -1.73172900 N/A N/A 418679 188771
SN3 4TQ 51.59890800 -1.73600700 N/A N/A 418382 188929
SN3 4TT 51.60322200 -1.73156300 N/A N/A 418688 189410
SN3 4TU 51.58868000 -1.72252700 11 30 419320 187795
SN3 4TW 51.60300800 -1.73612700 N/A N/A 418372 189385
SN3 4TX 51.59968400 -1.73751800 N/A N/A 418277 189015
SN3 4TZ 51.58984400 -1.73939500 N/A N/A 418151 187920
SN3 4UA 51.58897800 -1.75480200 15 46 417084 187820
SN3 4UB 51.58834000 -1.75510800 4 8 417063 187749
SN3 4UD 51.59030600 -1.75397000 6 10 417141 187968
SN3 4UE 51.59088100 -1.75380800 14 36 417152 188032
SN3 4UF 51.59049200 -1.75277100 5 10 417224 187989
SN3 4UG 51.59168000 -1.75338500 9 24 417181 188121
SN3 4UH 51.58814200 -1.75112400 67 169 417339 187728
SN3 4UJ 51.59176300 -1.75416400 13 33 417127 188130
SN3 4UL 51.59169700 -1.75264900 10 26 417232 188123
SN3 4UN 51.59130100 -1.75244900 31 70 417246 188079
SN3 4UP 51.59157900 -1.72379400 16 35 419231 188117
SN3 4UQ 51.59882300 -1.73428900 N/A N/A 418501 188920
SN3 4UR 51.59109000 -1.75473100 30 81 417088 188055
SN3 4US 51.58909200 -1.74970400 3 14 417437 187834
SN3 4UT 51.59186800 -1.75279200 13 24 417222 188142
SN3 4UU 51.59224000 -1.75427700 12 33 417119 188183
SN3 4UW 51.59080600 -1.75255300 9 29 417239 188024
SN3 4UX 51.58956400 -1.75156300 12 27 417308 187886
SN3 4UY 51.58976300 -1.75227000 7 21 417259 187908
SN3 4UZ 51.58910700 -1.75260500 33 77 417236 187835
SN3 4WA 51.60046600 -1.73280800 N/A N/A 418603 189103
SN3 4WB 51.60203300 -1.73028500 N/A N/A 418777 189278
SN3 4WE 51.58030200 -1.73892800 50 160 418187 186859
SN3 4WF 51.58806400 -1.74776300 0 2 417572 187720
SN3 4WH 51.58236700 -1.75384100 N/A N/A 417153 187085
SN3 4WQ 51.58662500 -1.72388100 3 9 419227 187566
SN3 4WT 51.57557100 -1.75508800 5 13 417069 186329
SN3 4WZ 51.58645700 -1.74919900 6 17 417473 187541
SN3 4XA 51.58795600 -1.72401800 13 33 419217 187714
SN3 4XB 51.58580500 -1.74723900 14 35 417609 187469
SN3 4XD 51.58561400 -1.74631700 6 15 417673 187448
SN3 4XE 51.58583400 -1.74839400 13 40 417529 187472
SN3 4XF 51.58636700 -1.74514300 27 89 417754 187532
SN3 4XG 51.58626700 -1.74456700 24 70 417794 187521
SN3 4XH 51.58413000 -1.74602200 13 39 417694 187283
SN3 4XL 51.58749400 -1.74642200 91 203 417665 187657
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