SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1EA 52.37302700 -2.71960900 5 6 351106 275242
SY8 1EB 52.37283000 -2.71942900 11 16 351118 275220
SY8 1ED 52.36861000 -2.72069600 5 12 351027 274751
SY8 1EE 52.37026100 -2.72134000 33 62 350985 274935
SY8 1EF 52.36869200 -2.71986100 19 27 351084 274760
SY8 1EG 52.36694400 -2.72491500 4 7 350738 274569
SY8 1EH 52.36608100 -2.72416500 7 18 350788 274472
SY8 1EJ 52.36631300 -2.72224600 17 30 350919 274497
SY8 1EL 52.38031800 -2.72995200 N/A N/A 350410 276060
SY8 1EN 52.37638800 -2.72352500 N/A N/A 350843 275618
SY8 1EP 52.37101900 -2.70366900 16 20 352189 275008
SY8 1EQ 52.36518200 -2.72202200 5 8 350933 274371
SY8 1ER 52.37146000 -2.70432100 10 23 352145 275057
SY8 1ES 52.36518800 -2.69397100 N/A N/A 352843 274353
SY8 1ET 52.37044100 -2.71245600 20 45 351590 274950
SY8 1EU 52.37039000 -2.71194100 1 2 351625 274944
SY8 1EW 52.37046500 -2.70386400 27 70 352175 274946
SY8 1EX 52.37107400 -2.71021900 19 41 351743 275018
SY8 1EY 52.37037200 -2.70888600 4 6 351833 274939
SY8 1EZ 52.37165800 -2.70813000 26 61 351886 275082
SY8 1FA 52.36496200 -2.69193900 N/A N/A 352981 274327
SY8 1FB 52.36477600 -2.69368600 N/A N/A 352862 274307
SY8 1FD 52.36600300 -2.69300000 1 7 352910 274443
SY8 1FE 52.36769200 -2.72018300 1 2 351061 274649
SY8 1FF 52.36523900 -2.69298800 N/A N/A 352910 274358
SY8 1FG 52.37329700 -2.71886200 14 15 351157 275272
SY8 1FH 52.37042400 -2.69709200 N/A N/A 352636 274937
SY8 1FJ 52.36581100 -2.69126200 N/A N/A 353028 274421
SY8 1FL 52.36518200 -2.68966600 N/A N/A 353136 274350
SY8 1FN 52.36696900 -2.69003200 N/A N/A 353113 274549
SY8 1GA 52.37242700 -2.70358700 11 25 352196 275165
SY8 1GB 52.37124300 -2.71941700 4 5 351117 275043
SY8 1GD 52.36748700 -2.72148700 N/A N/A 350972 274627
SY8 1GE 52.37236900 -2.71996500 2 2 351081 275169
SY8 1GF 52.36539500 -2.72252500 5 9 350899 274395
SY8 1GG 52.36838400 -2.71586200 6 6 351356 274723
SY8 1GH 52.36497500 -2.72053500 1 3 351034 274347
SY8 1GJ 52.37781300 -2.72797200 N/A N/A 350542 275780
SY8 1GP 52.36698100 -2.71892300 N/A N/A 351146 274569
SY8 1GT 52.36890500 -2.71595800 N/A N/A 351350 274781
SY8 1GX 52.37705300 -2.72716600 17 39 350596 275695
SY8 1GY 52.37476900 -2.70653400 6 12 351998 275427
SY8 1HA 52.37174700 -2.71131800 39 80 351669 275094
SY8 1HB 52.37217800 -2.70990100 3 4 351766 275141
SY8 1HD 52.37242200 -2.70893300 18 40 351832 275168
SY8 1HE 52.37371800 -2.71249600 12 17 351591 275314
SY8 1HF 52.37380000 -2.71148200 5 11 351660 275322
SY8 1HG 52.37344800 -2.71016900 7 15 351749 275282
SY8 1HH 52.37340500 -2.70918600 32 101 351816 275277
SY8 1HJ 52.37275900 -2.70816000 4 9 351885 275204
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