SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1LZ 52.36375000 -2.69857500 28 51 352528 274196
SY8 1NA 52.36512300 -2.70500000 5 8 352092 274353
SY8 1NB 52.36381900 -2.69738600 16 28 352609 274203
SY8 1ND 52.36694100 -2.70313400 74 163 352221 274554
SY8 1NE 52.36466000 -2.71315800 5 14 351536 274307
SY8 1NF 52.36947700 -2.71493900 7 10 351420 274844
SY8 1NG 52.36701100 -2.71845400 12 20 351178 274572
SY8 1NH 52.36705300 -2.71895400 13 20 351144 274577
SY8 1NJ 52.36587600 -2.71803700 9 17 351205 274446
SY8 1NL 52.36588600 -2.71852300 12 26 351172 274447
SY8 1NN 52.36660500 -2.71722800 16 30 351261 274526
SY8 1NP 52.36729400 -2.71695800 24 29 351280 274603
SY8 1NQ 52.36689800 -2.71839100 N/A N/A 351182 274559
SY8 1NR 52.36716800 -2.71615000 N/A N/A 351335 274588
SY8 1NS 52.36657700 -2.71577400 19 37 351360 274522
SY8 1NT 52.36637400 -2.71522700 4 6 351397 274499
SY8 1NU 52.36543400 -2.71461000 23 35 351438 274394
SY8 1NW 52.36747500 -2.71666800 14 19 351300 274622
SY8 1NX 52.36536000 -2.71497600 31 57 351413 274386
SY8 1NY 52.36484600 -2.71370400 9 19 351499 274328
SY8 1NZ 52.36451000 -2.71416900 3 4 351467 274291
SY8 1PA 52.36427800 -2.71313500 17 34 351537 274264
SY8 1PB 52.36404800 -2.71325100 6 11 351529 274239
SY8 1PD 52.36404700 -2.71504200 13 24 351407 274240
SY8 1PE 52.36431000 -2.71680700 N/A N/A 351287 274270
SY8 1PF 52.36478100 -2.71612500 5 8 351334 274322
SY8 1PG 52.36552900 -2.71662300 17 24 351301 274406
SY8 1PH 52.36471300 -2.71787300 23 38 351215 274316
SY8 1PJ 52.36266800 -2.71700300 6 12 351272 274088
SY8 1PL 52.36333600 -2.71732000 2 3 351251 274163
SY8 1PN 52.36323500 -2.71764200 2 3 351229 274151
SY8 1PP 52.36318400 -2.71568800 6 17 351362 274144
SY8 1PQ 52.36476900 -2.71746300 17 32 351243 274322
SY8 1PR 52.36337500 -2.71601600 2 4 351340 274166
SY8 1PS 52.36514900 -2.71556000 19 20 351373 274363
SY8 1PT 52.36470700 -2.71512500 9 18 351402 274314
SY8 1PU 52.36552200 -2.71346500 41 109 351516 274403
SY8 1PW 52.36324200 -2.71645200 7 9 351310 274151
SY8 1PX 52.36777500 -2.71771500 3 5 351229 274657
SY8 1PY 52.37066400 -2.71635400 5 9 351325 274977
SY8 1PZ 52.37036700 -2.71721400 12 30 351266 274944
SY8 1QA 52.36939100 -2.71207200 6 13 351615 274832
SY8 1QB 52.36928800 -2.71498000 6 6 351417 274823
SY8 1QD 52.36867800 -2.71543900 4 7 351385 274755
SY8 1QF 52.36891700 -2.71550300 24 28 351381 274782
SY8 1QG 52.36892900 -2.71498900 4 5 351416 274783
SY8 1QH 52.36921300 -2.71466900 2 6 351438 274814
SY8 1QJ 52.37698500 -2.70728900 48 89 351949 275674
SY8 1QL 52.37014700 -2.71421600 20 35 351470 274918
SY8 1QN 52.37025700 -2.71680200 9 13 351294 274932
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