SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1QQ 52.36862700 -2.71436700 10 18 351458 274749
SY8 1QR 52.37104100 -2.71359800 23 47 351513 275017
SY8 1QS 52.37185300 -2.71371300 12 34 351506 275107
SY8 1QT 52.37241100 -2.71146100 33 78 351660 275168
SY8 1QU 52.37337300 -2.71363400 23 51 351513 275276
SY8 1QW 52.37039500 -2.71326500 43 55 351535 274945
SY8 1QX 52.37365200 -2.71444800 N/A N/A 351458 275308
SY8 1QY 52.37336200 -2.71251800 12 26 351589 275274
SY8 1QZ 52.37534300 -2.70976000 25 51 351779 275493
SY8 1RA 52.37475900 -2.71042500 46 123 351733 275428
SY8 1RB 52.37250700 -2.71488500 27 46 351427 275181
SY8 1RD 52.37109200 -2.71468500 22 46 351439 275023
SY8 1RE 52.37190600 -2.71615400 17 41 351340 275115
SY8 1RF 52.37178100 -2.71532700 25 58 351396 275101
SY8 1RG 52.37409200 -2.70918100 51 68 351817 275353
SY8 1RH 52.37298600 -2.71606800 5 8 351347 275235
SY8 1RJ 52.37614000 -2.70724700 10 30 351951 275580
SY8 1RL 52.36817100 -2.71693000 20 21 351283 274700
SY8 1RN 52.36820300 -2.71464000 20 45 351439 274702
SY8 1RP 52.36846700 -2.71465700 8 17 351438 274731
SY8 1RQ 52.37300200 -2.70960400 13 17 351787 275232
SY8 1RR 52.36837400 -2.71375900 N/A N/A 351499 274720
SY8 1RS 52.36842800 -2.71308600 16 22 351545 274726
SY8 1RT 52.36763800 -2.71208800 3 7 351612 274637
SY8 1RU 52.36805100 -2.71507600 33 45 351409 274685
SY8 1RW 52.36870800 -2.71501300 7 8 351414 274758
SY8 1RX 52.36717500 -2.71510800 36 58 351406 274588
SY8 1RY 52.37416000 -2.71360500 2 5 351516 275364
SY8 1RZ 52.36736100 -2.71325800 1 2 351532 274607
SY8 1SA 52.36763000 -2.71273600 N/A N/A 351568 274637
SY8 1SB 52.36742800 -2.71402300 11 13 351480 274615
SY8 1SD 52.36813600 -2.71070200 4 7 351707 274692
SY8 1SE 52.36778500 -2.70939000 7 14 351796 274652
SY8 1SF 52.36803600 -2.70861300 6 13 351849 274679
SY8 1SG 52.36830700 -2.70772400 36 76 351910 274709
SY8 1SH 52.36775400 -2.70548200 30 51 352062 274646
SY8 1SJ 52.36867100 -2.70551200 4 10 352061 274748
SY8 1SL 52.36902200 -2.70538500 16 45 352070 274787
SY8 1SN 52.36869600 -2.70649400 8 23 351994 274751
SY8 1SP 52.36879400 -2.70743800 18 44 351930 274763
SY8 1SQ 52.36771300 -2.70626000 20 25 352009 274642
SY8 1SR 52.36979400 -2.70560300 5 12 352056 274873
SY8 1SS 52.36922100 -2.70676900 19 41 351976 274810
SY8 1ST 52.36973600 -2.70624800 24 40 352012 274867
SY8 1SU 52.36927900 -2.70753300 3 8 351924 274817
SY8 1SW 52.36941700 -2.70559700 15 32 352056 274831
SY8 1SX 52.36977900 -2.70516200 7 18 352086 274871
SY8 1SY 52.37003400 -2.70756000 34 110 351923 274901
SY8 1SZ 52.37056300 -2.70702400 5 19 351960 274959
SY8 1TA 52.37075400 -2.70589700 31 70 352037 274980
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