SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1HL 52.37213900 -2.70666700 10 28 351986 275135
SY8 1HN 52.37119300 -2.70697500 34 73 351964 275030
SY8 1HP 52.37160100 -2.70492500 3 10 352104 275074
SY8 1HQ 52.37424300 -2.71110700 5 16 351686 275372
SY8 1HR 52.37196500 -2.70339000 12 27 352209 275113
SY8 1HT 52.37307800 -2.70289200 4 12 352244 275236
SY8 1HU 52.37319500 -2.70436300 22 49 352144 275250
SY8 1HW 52.37187300 -2.70604600 3 4 352028 275105
SY8 1HX 52.37368300 -2.70403300 10 28 352167 275305
SY8 1HY 52.37446400 -2.70654400 25 50 351997 275393
SY8 1HZ 52.37365700 -2.70609000 8 15 352027 275303
SY8 1JA 52.37352800 -2.70739400 18 45 351938 275290
SY8 1JB 52.37322300 -2.70727200 6 14 351946 275256
SY8 1JD 52.37291400 -2.70481400 23 59 352113 275219
SY8 1JE 52.37466700 -2.70406500 29 72 352166 275414
SY8 1JF 52.37457300 -2.70249000 16 34 352273 275402
SY8 1JG 52.37516700 -2.70307400 14 46 352234 275469
SY8 1JH 52.36750000 -2.70960400 12 25 351781 274620
SY8 1JJ 52.36556100 -2.71143900 26 55 351654 274406
SY8 1JL 52.36503200 -2.70963900 N/A N/A 351776 274346
SY8 1JN 52.36454600 -2.71118800 6 14 351670 274293
SY8 1JP 52.36532300 -2.70755800 11 19 351918 274377
SY8 1JQ 52.37096800 -2.70324200 3 4 352218 275002
SY8 1JR 52.36482500 -2.70671300 14 34 351975 274321
SY8 1JS 52.36470600 -2.70624000 14 30 352007 274307
SY8 1JT 52.36395300 -2.70433300 16 36 352136 274222
SY8 1JU 52.36332700 -2.70237000 4 10 352269 274152
SY8 1JW 52.36485400 -2.70778600 6 17 351902 274325
SY8 1JX 52.36385800 -2.70298200 4 10 352228 274211
SY8 1JY 52.36413000 -2.70407300 18 40 352154 274242
SY8 1JZ 52.36495200 -2.70493800 22 41 352096 274334
SY8 1LA 52.36485000 -2.70552400 10 26 352056 274323
SY8 1LB 52.36564700 -2.70606600 6 12 352020 274412
SY8 1LD 52.36552600 -2.70669500 10 25 351977 274399
SY8 1LE 52.36645500 -2.70775300 17 34 351906 274503
SY8 1LF 52.36626300 -2.70830800 13 23 351868 274482
SY8 1LG 52.36641800 -2.70634200 10 16 352002 274498
SY8 1LH 52.36600400 -2.70344200 9 21 352199 274450
SY8 1LJ 52.36517000 -2.70232600 17 35 352274 274356
SY8 1LL 52.36574500 -2.70166100 22 32 352320 274420
SY8 1LN 52.36547200 -2.70067300 3 8 352387 274389
SY8 1LP 52.36444400 -2.70127300 28 55 352345 274275
SY8 1LQ 52.36698400 -2.70724500 2 4 351941 274562
SY8 1LR 52.36525000 -2.69874500 21 43 352518 274363
SY8 1LS 52.36392600 -2.69615500 N/A N/A 352693 274214
SY8 1LT 52.36739000 -2.71818100 6 12 351197 274614
SY8 1LU 52.36435500 -2.69949500 24 45 352466 274264
SY8 1LW 52.36498000 -2.70021000 8 17 352418 274334
SY8 1LX 52.36375900 -2.70005800 11 21 352427 274198
SY8 1LY 52.36359200 -2.70080500 27 67 352376 274180
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