SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-300 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1TB 52.37060400 -2.70551300 29 64 352063 274963
SY8 1TE 52.36707500 -2.71438500 N/A N/A 351455 274576
SY8 1TG 52.36649300 -2.69841300 39 95 352542 274501
SY8 1TH 52.37289300 -2.70225800 10 24 352287 275215
SY8 1TJ 52.36696000 -2.70068000 43 117 352388 274554
SY8 1TL 52.36594000 -2.69755200 29 36 352600 274439
SY8 1TN 52.37689200 -2.70935900 29 67 351808 275665
SY8 1TP 52.36635600 -2.71380200 N/A N/A 351494 274496
SY8 1TQ 52.36642700 -2.70040900 42 122 352406 274495
SY8 1TS 52.36590400 -2.69918200 17 62 352489 274436
SY8 1TT 52.36761800 -2.71463000 3 5 351439 274637
SY8 1TU 52.36512800 -2.70116700 8 13 352353 274351
SY8 1TW 52.37626600 -2.70876200 23 53 351848 275595
SY8 1TX 52.36628300 -2.71989600 2 5 351079 274492
SY8 1TY 52.36777200 -2.71820000 N/A N/A 351196 274657
SY8 1TZ 52.36756900 -2.71683200 31 37 351289 274633
SY8 1UA 52.37685200 -2.70552400 18 35 352069 275658
SY8 1UB 52.37646800 -2.70506300 19 59 352100 275615
SY8 1UD 52.37666200 -2.70790000 26 73 351907 275638
SY8 1UE 52.36775500 -2.69924000 27 58 352487 274642
SY8 1UF 52.36712000 -2.69795100 30 55 352574 274570
SY8 1UG 52.36792700 -2.70055000 26 66 352398 274662
SY8 1UH 52.36939200 -2.69991100 10 25 352443 274825
SY8 1UJ 52.36936500 -2.70072000 53 143 352388 274822
SY8 1UL 52.36900700 -2.70108000 12 31 352363 274782
SY8 1UN 52.36705300 -2.71293200 28 45 351554 274573
SY8 1UP 52.36703100 -2.71218300 5 11 351605 274570
SY8 1UQ 52.36886100 -2.69990200 10 29 352443 274765
SY8 1UR 52.36679700 -2.71209100 7 11 351611 274544
SY8 1UT 52.37333400 -2.70814000 N/A N/A 351887 275268
SY8 1WE 52.36861100 -2.69740300 N/A N/A 352613 274736
SY8 1XA 52.36404400 -2.71765500 9 17 351229 274241
SY8 1XB 52.36561800 -2.69731200 5 12 352616 274403
SY8 1XD 52.36922800 -2.69725000 N/A N/A 352624 274805
SY8 1XE 52.36746500 -2.69663600 N/A N/A 352664 274608
SY8 1XF 52.36638800 -2.69553100 N/A N/A 352738 274487
SY8 1XG 52.37097300 -2.70081900 59 156 352383 275001
SY8 1XH 52.37067300 -2.69999100 21 65 352439 274967
SY8 1XJ 52.37118900 -2.69782600 45 95 352587 275023
SY8 1XL 52.37211200 -2.69826600 5 11 352558 275126
SY8 1XN 52.37251100 -2.70069600 51 110 352393 275172
SY8 1XP 52.37254500 -2.69880000 15 47 352522 275174
SY8 1XQ 52.37331600 -2.69923800 7 15 352493 275261
SY8 1XR 52.37364100 -2.69975900 3 6 352458 275297
SY8 1XS 52.37310500 -2.70072000 7 21 352392 275238
SY8 1XT 52.37272000 -2.70033200 4 10 352418 275195
SY8 1XX 52.37294300 -2.69990800 18 46 352447 275219
SY8 1XY 52.36768300 -2.69703400 N/A N/A 352637 274633
SY8 1XZ 52.37156900 -2.70198900 63 166 352304 275068
SY8 1YE 52.36861100 -2.69740300 N/A N/A 352613 274736
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