WV12 Property Sale Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Find cumulative information of all property sales in WV12 area, United Kingdom from 1995 to March 2021 below. Since 1995 properties have been sold 8845 times in WV12 area, With an average sale price of 112354.86206896552 GBP.

Demographics Of Properties Sold From 1995 To 2021

Demographics Of Property Price From 1995 To 2021

Property Sales Table [1995-2021]

Month Sales Volume Average Sales Price (in £) Anual Change In Price(%)
Total SalesSale Of FlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetachedAll PropertiesFlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetached
2023 48 5 13 26 4 187234 96856 185049 203991 253978 0
2022 269 26 78 121 44 187213 93055 172260 199999 273476 5.3
2021 356 23 92 167 74 177858 90222 156292 176961 260876 12.2
2020 276 29 73 131 43 158552 89783 143402 166210 238984 4.3
2019 352 28 97 173 54 152050 86256 134231 155930 235414 5.2
2018 309 26 85 148 50 144476 81762 125328 149740 222499 0.4
2017 279 15 74 141 49 143893 82437 124055 142846 218029 6.5
2016 297 21 86 126 64 135123 84853 117354 131792 199825 1.5
2015 330 21 107 131 71 133178 78333 115441 130628 200279 3.1
2014 298 17 81 132 68 129222 72464 111773 124834 189807 7
2013 203 17 48 94 44 120801 74573 107802 115615 180997 6.4
2012 202 20 53 77 52 113488 63708 102177 110938 163113 0
2011 228 19 60 110 39 113476 68155 96324 118034 167506 -1.4
2010 206 32 56 86 32 115146 85639 106074 114620 180940 1.3
2009 225 30 65 102 28 113673 92551 109845 113270 155404 -7.4
2008 244 28 90 94 32 122751 87440 113359 126073 191025 -4.1
2007 427 37 134 199 57 127964 100937 111798 128784 200528 4.3
2006 422 37 140 182 63 122719 92376 105889 127331 180893 4.9
2005 352 32 89 173 58 116955 97456 99920 117508 162369 6
2004 378 33 86 170 89 110312 69254 92565 108120 161381 27.7
2003 398 37 110 165 86 86369 52240 70100 87167 137583 15.3
2002 345 21 86 165 73 74929 41519 59395 73411 122281 19.9
2001 383 17 85 201 80 62501 32075 50192 60708 97817 10.3
2000 384 20 99 186 79 56640 30800 44246 55771 93390 3
1999 324 10 60 175 79 55015 33100 43227 51805 80498 3
1998 310 10 59 158 83 53414 26698 40021 52081 74809 8.8
1997 407 10 86 200 111 49080 27820 40289 44979 70441 3.8
1996 334 11 60 194 69 47302 23038 42779 45479 64661 0.7
1995 259 6 54 149 50 46957 24630 38956 45227 69428

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