SY2 Property Sale Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Find cumulative information of all property sales in SY2 area, United Kingdom from 1995 to March 2021 below. Since 1995 properties have been sold 9041 times in SY2 area, With an average sale price of 161140.1379310345 GBP.

Demographics Of Properties Sold From 1995 To 2021

Demographics Of Property Price From 1995 To 2021

Property Sales Table [1995-2021]

Month Sales Volume Average Sales Price (in £) Anual Change In Price(%)
Total SalesSale Of FlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetachedAll PropertiesFlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetached
2023 51 9 14 16 12 248359 153403 225750 258379 377983 -6.4
2022 260 32 60 98 70 265459 167271 239020 256466 376441 0.6
2021 532 39 105 190 198 263804 149025 238623 237224 344744 8.1
2020 368 31 77 128 132 243979 154364 212586 224902 318582 9.1
2019 419 63 89 147 120 223528 168958 193200 211168 309299 2.9
2018 391 61 91 136 103 217274 165122 193239 205545 305075 0.8
2017 366 41 76 132 117 215477 180570 185158 188186 294734 -0.1
2016 357 59 80 120 98 215640 166836 207856 189668 303461 10.3
2015 388 106 91 111 80 195524 157265 189243 190156 281458 -1
2014 312 46 96 112 58 197400 145317 220367 178889 253700 6.1
2013 256 34 66 100 56 186043 140022 188291 167803 262069 6.8
2012 191 20 40 89 42 174130 125810 144137 173132 246362 4.3
2011 168 13 48 74 33 166915 108525 141827 164200 260022 -4.1
2010 205 14 57 87 47 174003 117830 143220 165753 270755 2.5
2009 209 7 54 92 56 169686 101961 148144 160649 225528 -1.2
2008 153 26 32 64 31 171714 108676 159923 169360 279058 -3.3
2007 374 49 95 158 72 177589 131839 167673 171820 252262 5.7
2006 401 50 107 160 84 167962 121189 145099 168863 243275 6.2
2005 260 33 61 110 56 158092 123588 128702 157220 231171 7.8
2004 329 31 73 156 69 146719 122036 130633 136566 211932 11.9
2003 311 32 86 115 78 131141 96360 101436 128759 202940 28.2
2002 395 55 91 157 92 102327 70837 80560 99850 168417 21
2001 351 47 104 138 62 84566 59287 72038 85678 140699 12.2
2000 316 26 99 126 65 75384 54394 63144 76219 110125 7.3
1999 373 23 87 157 106 70277 45190 59227 62746 105270 13.7
1998 337 14 78 168 77 61798 49493 52394 56923 90991 7.8
1997 369 34 96 154 85 57317 47279 45703 54275 88245 0.4
1996 328 13 77 144 94 57075 43005 44454 53357 80753 5.9
1995 271 24 56 134 57 53882 45112 46566 49071 83501

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