SY23 Property Sale Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Find cumulative information of all property sales in SY23 area, United Kingdom from 1995 to March 2021 below. Since 1995 properties have been sold 9369 times in SY23 area, With an average sale price of 147915.89655172414 GBP.

Demographics Of Properties Sold From 1995 To 2021

Demographics Of Property Price From 1995 To 2021

Property Sales Table [1995-2021]

Month Sales Volume Average Sales Price (in £) Anual Change In Price(%)
Total SalesSale Of FlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetachedAll PropertiesFlatsTerraced ApartmentsSemi-DetachedDetached
2023 39 3 11 7 18 244386 221434 197179 269825 272556 8.4
2022 325 34 94 80 117 225368 159633 194359 208510 295906 9.5
2021 417 56 95 103 163 205766 153785 175170 183473 268559 7.2
2020 319 28 68 93 130 191926 147058 159665 178013 236171 4.5
2019 352 31 92 80 149 183670 141885 145951 167013 235055 2.7
2018 352 40 74 92 146 178887 125063 151279 172999 219396 -1.7
2017 374 45 73 89 167 181929 134788 140620 168901 229663 5.1
2016 268 35 59 63 111 173180 129627 137842 168926 217260 -0.1
2015 252 33 66 55 98 173385 124699 145775 162569 225758 0.8
2014 330 55 82 73 120 172049 148980 156788 152572 210676 0.7
2013 229 20 71 68 70 170912 119773 155743 164087 216285 0.1
2012 232 26 71 59 76 170659 137217 158036 169418 198690 -6
2011 236 28 66 62 80 181487 154917 155817 165098 234103 0.9
2010 277 39 59 73 106 179837 140479 163545 170514 215387 5.9
2009 278 32 69 84 93 169749 144545 152213 163547 201170 -5.4
2008 217 18 54 65 80 179413 146407 156413 175809 209459 -3.5
2007 369 38 101 97 133 186013 130298 171163 180272 224433 4.7
2006 395 22 95 127 151 177655 154538 153507 162882 213810 10.9
2005 317 28 92 87 110 160176 129389 149130 144708 194549 9.6
2004 401 34 95 107 165 146160 113034 125566 132408 179322 29.3
2003 466 24 133 104 205 113014 81453 99264 94848 139620 32
2002 479 28 151 112 188 85626 69878 72875 76433 107493 11.3
2001 462 28 145 118 171 76918 72663 65073 70561 94955 15.8
2000 404 23 124 85 172 66404 52674 56909 62140 79106 2.9
1999 394 24 126 81 163 64527 54529 55395 54635 80844 6.4
1998 312 22 94 70 126 60637 67356 52840 55074 69596 5.4
1997 323 26 105 74 118 57539 54542 53394 49413 68461 1.9
1996 320 42 90 75 113 56448 57055 49285 52383 65828 1.1
1995 230 17 77 45 91 55841 52278 47313 58082 63790

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